
Sunday, July 18, 2010


Animals and birds resource of Nepal
Animals and birds are also the resources of nature. They cannot live without nature. They love to be free and visit on nature. There are so many species of animals and birds are found in nature or forest. Due to presence of different climate and forest animals & birds are found on varieties. Cow is the national animal of Nepal. Similarly, lophoforus is the national bird of Nepal. Different animals and birds are found on different place according to climate where they had habit to live. They can’t exits on different climate from their habitat. Forest is the main shelter of animals & birds. So, it is important to protect the forest to make wildlife alive. Wildlife is important to maintain balance on environment. Crow, parrot, pigeon, sparrow, etc. are the some name of birds of Nepal. Cow, goat, deer, tiger, horse, etc. are the name of animals of Nepal.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Present condition of natural resources of Nepal
Well, Nepal is rich in natural resources. So many beauty of nature are here like beautiful flower, birds, animals, & so on. Sweet song of birds, different type of flower, deer on grassland, etc are the most beautiful scene of nature. Man is inseparable from nature. No life is possible without nature. But now all the resources have been destroying day by day. All the resources have been used haphazardly which makes destruction on nature. Habitats of wildlife are destroyed for new settlement. Due to the rapid growth of population natural resources are used haphazardly. Many species of birds, animals, insects, etc are decreased because of deforestation. All the trees are cut down for different propose and use. Water resources are polluted due to lack of proper management of sanitation. Many water resources are destroyed because of lack of forest. About 25/26 years ago 53.5percent of the total area of Nepal was covered with forest. But today only 37 percent of land is covered with forest. Soil is also loosing its fertility power due to use of more pesticide & insecticide. Thus, we can say that present conditions of natural resources of Nepal are in danger. So, we must protect it to save our life.


Obviously, we all know that, the natural resources of Nepal have been decreasing day by day. The destruction of natural resources is affecting us deeply. And this is main obstacle of our country. Hence, to be getting rid of it, we must observe some measures.

First of all, we must educate and aware people about the population balance, otherwise, the over population will not let us to stop destruction of natural resources. After the control of population, we can easily handle other problem,

If we control the pollution, then we can avoid the destruction of environment and natural resources. We can establish industrial areas. We can use scientific and modern technology to improve agricultural sector. If we improve it we can improve our economic conditions.


There are so many reasons that causes the destruction of natural resources such as the destruction of forest, poaching of valuable and rare wild animals and vegetation are going on. The rapid growth of population and their demands for housing and for other activities is causing deforestation and deforestation is directly related with the destruction of natural resources.
We all know that Nepal is economically a poor country. And Nepalese are based upon agro-bases economy. But due to the lack of capital and technology, Nepal is not capable to do the best agriculture. Hence, the agriculture based economy is destroying the natural resources.
Population made by artificial machine and vehicles is also affecting the natural resources. Such as polluted air from old vehicles are causing pollution.


Natural resources are our common and public property which is free gift of nature for our goodness. Soil, forest, minerals, wildlife, etc are the natural resources. No life can exist without it. So, to survive we must protect the natural resources. Natural resources are most important resources because all the things which are essential to be alive are found in nature. Like fuel, wood fruits, gold, silver, water etc, are the resources which are used often for our daily life. Water is most important resources which make all living being alive. Similarly forest is also the habitat of wild life as well as it provides fuel to cook, wood for buildings and furniture, and also makes rain on time which helps to keep balance on environment. It is also important for developmental work such as using wood for bridge, water for hydro electricity and so on. There is also great possibility of tourism which help to solve the of unemployment.


Forest resources of Nepal
Nepal is popular all over the world for her natural beauty. Forests are the main natural resources of Nepal which makes Nepal richer in natural beauty. About 53.5 percent of the total area of Nepal was covered with forest. Nepal consists of different forests due to its geographical reason and presence of different type of climate. Due to this reason we often say, “green forest is the wealth of Nepal ‘. Presence of dense forest there are so many species of animals and birds, herbs, flower, insects, etc are found. It is forest that make environment fresh and beautiful. When we heard the sweet songs of different kinds of birds, it adds more beauty to the forests as well as nature. Green forests are also the center part of attraction for tourists and every lover or the nature. We can also start tourism industry as a source of income which helps Nepal in the case of development work and to develop the life standard of people of the country too. It also gives us the heavy showers of rainfall and flue to, wood for furniture and to make a building. Due to help of forest we can reduce the chances of flood, landslide, etc. so, forest is most important resources of nature.


Soil is the constant natural resources. It can be transfer from one place to another. Soil resources is limited, it can’t be produce or generate. It means soil can’t be increase or decrease on our demand. But fertility power of the soil can be increase or decrease by using different pesticide and insecticide. The quality and fertility power of soil are different from one place to another place. In the case of Nepal geographically Nepal is divided into three region, they are hilly, terai and Himalayan. The soil of terai is more fertile than hilly and Himalayan region. Where crops are grown more amount. So, terai is said to be grenary of Nepal. In the comparison of Himalayan and hilly region , hilly region is more fertile than Himalayan region. Because of cold climate and pressure of snow. People of Himalayan region can’t cultivate their required crops. Most of the part of soil is covered by snow. Basically plant is more affected by soil type which makes speciality on plant from one place to another.